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Pacuan kuda  adalah salah satu jenis  olahraga  yang mengutamakan keterampilan seseorang dalam menunggang, mengendarai, berlari atau melompat menggunakan  kuda . [1]  Berkuda atau sering juga disebut Equestrian bisa dilakukan tidak sekadar melatih kekuatan  fisik  seperti keseimbangan dan koordinas…

Bathroom plans

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I had absolutely no intentions of even touching the kids' bathroom anytime soon. It was way, way down on the priority list seeing as how it's upstairs and they're the only ones that use it. But, I couldn't help myself and went crazy ripping down wallpaper. Then, there are the light fixtures literally hanging out of the wall with exposed wires and everything. So, I guess that means I'm starting on their bathroom way before planned.

I've always wanted to learn how to tile. What better place to start than a spot that doesn't see much traffic, i.e. the kids' bathroom is my guinea pig. And that sconce...well, that pretty much sealed the deal. It needs to find a home in our house. Both kids saw it and said, "Oh, that's cool!" Score one for momma. Something both kids agree on that's going to be living in a shared space.

In other house news, I'm pretty sure I've decided on a contractor to start the projects that are too big for John and I to handle. It's a fun feeling knowing we're on the brink of "the fun stuff" beginning to happen.

Happy weekend to you all, friends!

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