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Paito Warna Pacuan Kuda

Pacuan kuda  adalah salah satu jenis  olahraga  yang mengutamakan keterampilan seseorang dalam menunggang, mengendarai, berlari atau melompat menggunakan  kuda . [1]  Berkuda atau sering juga disebut Equestrian bisa dilakukan tidak sekadar melatih kekuatan  fisik  seperti keseimbangan dan koordinas…

Entry idea

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Happy Tuesday that feels like Monday! Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. Mine was full of design while my peeps, aka, the family, made it back to Austin to visit friends and celebrate the opening weekend of dove season.

Would you believe me if I told you there was more wallpaper removal going on over here? Will it ever end?! I'd show you pictures, but who am I kidding, those are boring. You want to see the pretty after shots, but sadly, I'm wading through all the middle stuff that isn't very fun to look at right now.

On that note, let's feast our eyes on something that is fun...

When I ran across this piece of art by Esther Stewart, I immediately began to wonder how it'd translate on the walls in my entry. So, I whipped out the painter's tape and played a little...

Hummm...a little crazy, right? I'm sure it'd look totally different once some of the shapes were painted and others were left for negative space. My wheels are turning. I have several other ideas I'm toying with and one is very labor intense for my sweet carpenter hubby. I bet his vote is for the painted, geometric craziness. ha!

There are so many "half started" projects going on that it's a bit overwhelming. I think it's time to sit down and prioritize! Will one of my "list making" friends please help me focus?

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