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Paito Warna Pacuan Kuda

Pacuan kuda  adalah salah satu jenis  olahraga  yang mengutamakan keterampilan seseorang dalam menunggang, mengendarai, berlari atau melompat menggunakan  kuda . [1]  Berkuda atau sering juga disebut Equestrian bisa dilakukan tidak sekadar melatih kekuatan  fisik  seperti keseimbangan dan koordinas…

A Birthday wish...

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Happy Valentine's Day, friends! Guess what else we celebrate around our house on this heart-filled day? Yep, you guessed it, my birthday.

Want to know what I'm wishing for today? For each of you to find a deserving someone and spread a little kindness. Will you join me in a birthday RAK? What an easy day to complete a random act of kindness! The stores are overflowing with flowers and candy, so pick up a little something for that person who seems to need a little pick me up today and let them know they're special. It could also simply be a smile and a kind word. Take a minute to look at their heart!

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