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Pacuan kuda  adalah salah satu jenis  olahraga  yang mengutamakan keterampilan seseorang dalam menunggang, mengendarai, berlari atau melompat menggunakan  kuda . [1]  Berkuda atau sering juga disebut Equestrian bisa dilakukan tidak sekadar melatih kekuatan  fisik  seperti keseimbangan dan koordinas…

Boy Valentine Box Idea

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It's that time of year for those of you with school age kiddos...bust out the shoe box or cereal box and create a masterpiece so your little one can collect those ever so fascinating Valentine treasures! I can't believe this is the last year we'll be making Valentine boxes. Bryn was so sad that she didn't get to weigh in on the fun this year. It's a bummer to grow up sometimes. ;)

If you have a boy, you know that this task isn't always an easy one. I mean, they can't show up with a box covered in hearts, right? Reed and I brainstormed for a few days, did the obligatory Pinterest search, but came up empty handed for ideas. There aren't many "boy" ideas floating around.

It was crunch time Thursday night, since his box had to be turned in Friday (not sure why in the world his teacher needed these so early?!). We were about to give up the fight for creativity and simply use the traditional heart idea then suddenly Reed had a stroke of genius! As he was rifling through the craft closet he came out holding snake print wrapping paper. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

We wrapped his cereal box, leaving the top open for treasures, cut out a forked tongue for a 3-D effect, glued on the rest and wolla...a Valentine box that screams boy!

Bryn admired our masterpiece and preceded to ask if we "got that idea from Pinterest?" We proudly proclaimed, "No, it's a Frieling original!"

Okay, boy moms, it's your turn. Spill the beans on what you've done/are doing so the rest of us can cash in on your brilliant ideas.

Linking up at C.R.A.F.T. Hop on over and visit Jamie for more inspiration.

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