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Paito Warna Pacuan Kuda

Pacuan kuda  adalah salah satu jenis  olahraga  yang mengutamakan keterampilan seseorang dalam menunggang, mengendarai, berlari atau melompat menggunakan  kuda . [1]  Berkuda atau sering juga disebut Equestrian bisa dilakukan tidak sekadar melatih kekuatan  fisik  seperti keseimbangan dan koordinas…

Needlepoint chair

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I've been on the lookout for a little chair to compliment the desk next to our bed. While out thrifting one day, I ran across this cute, needlepoint chair for $17 and knew it'd do the trick.

I had every intention of recovering it with a more modern fabric but once I got it home it became very obvious that it was perfect as is. Score! I'm all about less work. (side note, doesn't everyone keep a spittoon next to their bed? You didn't know I had a nasty habit, did you?! ;) 

The golden tones tied right in with the chair across the room. Love it when things work out by happy accident!

Here you can get a better feel for the vintage details...floral needlepoint and wonderful brass capped feet.

I'm also really enjoying the faux sheepskin rug from Ikea. It's softness greets me every morning when my feet first touch the ground. Nothing like starting your day with a soft, little hug from the floor! Think I'm strange?...give it a try before you judge, you'll thank me for it.

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